8 February 2012

Modify Personal Review

While cruising Netflix, my boyfriend and I came across this documentary. Both being huge fans of body modifications, we decided to see if it was worth a watch. Two hours later, we realized we had just sat through a whole documentary barely saying a word. Whaaaaat? 

When you think "documentary", you probably think of David Attenborough and giggling over the mating scenes when you caught the animal planet specials on television as a kid. I can't say I've never sat through a documentary in my life - visited the IMax a many times to watch "the Nile River", "Dinosaurs", or "Creatures of the Deep Sea". But typically, when they don't include a British narrator or exotic animals, they are NOTHING to sit through and enjoy watching. Modify kept my attention the whole time.

It really is an eye-opening film to the world of body modification and art. One that I myself have a huge interest in (if you're actually reading me, you can expect lots of entries on this sort of topic). With an open mind, and two hours to blow, you can see in to this fascinating world too, and I guarantee that many stereotypes, prejudgements and fears about people who modify themselves or modification itself will disappear in your mind. It really helps many people thicken their dividing line between "modification" and "mutilation".

Whether it be as dramatic as tattooing, branding, cosmetic surgery, and piercing to as simple as wearing cosmetics, contacts, cross-dressing and hair-dying, it is all modification, and all in attempt to make the body more beautiful and personal to ourselves.

The human body is unfinished, and while we are here, we take our canvas, and we make ART out of it.

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