16 May 2012

I am craving a new tattoo so badly!

My boyfriend and I have been looking for an apartment, and having barely any luck. Nevertheless, any money we collectively have is being saved up for a first and last months deposit when we finally find and get accepted to one. I haven't gotten a tattoo for months! My newest ink is more than five months old. The other day while out at a viewing, Josh and I ran in to a friend of his who had just got a new tattoo done. He's covered already, I was hugely jealous! Especially with the fact my angelbites had to be taken out, I'm really biting to get something new done. I have that "naked" feeling you get when things aren't comfortable.

Tattooing is like acupuncture or walking on hot coals to me; it's soothing. It's a rush. All the positive emotion that comes with getting a tattoo outweighs the physical sensation for me... which isn't really pain anyway. Just intense pins-and-needles-like vibrations. With the business and stress life's presented lately, some fresh ink would really do me well!

Once we get settled in a new place, I'm going to put money towards either the piece I want done on my back or the one I want on my thigh. On my back, I'm planning to get dark, very realistic looking crow wings, and on my thigh, an extravagant dreamcatcher with a line from Poe, "All that we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream". 

I can't wait until life mellows out again, and I can afford another tattoo.

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